1. Giorgia Pertile et al. Microcosm assessment of the dissipation and soil microbial ecotoxicity of chlorpyrifos and tebuconazole using standardized advanced moleculartools. SETAC Europe, 24th Annual Meeting, 11-15 May 2014, Basel, Switzerland     Â
2. Dimitrios Karpouzas et al. Do we need a new regulatory framework for assessing the soil microbial ecotoxicity of pesticides?. 13th IUPAC International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, San Francisco USA, 10-14 August 2014 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
3. Veronika Storck et al. Fate and metabolism of the herbicide isoproturon in soil microcosms and its impact on soil microbial communities. 13th IUPAC International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, San Francisco USA, 10-14 August 2014Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
4. Evangelia Papadopoulou et al. A lab-to-field experimental approach to study the dissipation, metabolism and soil microbial ecotoxicity of isoproturon, tebuconazole and chlorpyrifos. 13th IUPAC International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, San Francisco USA, 10-14 August 2014Â Â
5. Sonia Nikolaki et al. Assessing pesticides microbial toxicity and degradation: one approach two outcomes. Contaminated Sites Management in Europe 2014, Brussels 20-22 October 2014.
6. Baguelin C., Pertile G., Martin-Laurent F., Ferrari F., Trevisan M., Sibourg O., Malandain C.,Tsiamis G., Karpouzas D.G. (2015) The impact of isoproturon, chlorpyrifos and tebuconazole on the structure and function of the soil microbial community. 6th Symposium of the Society of Mikrobiokosmos, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens 3-5 April 2015, Greece (poster)
7. Siozios S Martin-Laurent F., Malandain C., Ferrari F., Karpouzas D.G., Bourtzis K., Tsiamis G. (2015) Development of PesticideChip, a high density microarray for assessing pesticide-degrading genetic potential and expression in soils. 6th Symposium of the Society of Mikrobiokosmos, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens 3-5 April 2015, Greece (poster)
8. Siozios S Martin-Laurent F., Malandain C., Ferrari F., Karpouzas D., Bourtzis K., Tsiamis G. (2015) Development of a high density microarray for assessing pesticide biodegradation potential in soils. XIIV Symposium in Pesticide Chemistry, Piacenza 30 Aug – 1 Sept, Italy (oral)
9. Dermou E., El Azhari N., Rossi R., Lucini L, Karpouzas D.G., Martin-Laurent F., Trevisan M., Ferrari F. (2015) Towards the identification and quantification of candidate metabolites of tebuconazole fungicide. XIIV Symposium in Pesticide Chemistry, Piacenza 30 Aug – 1 Sept, Italy (poster)
10. Nikolaki S., Siozios S., Martin-Laurent F., Ferrari F., Karpouzas D.G., Malandain C., Tsiamis G (2015) Soil Bacterial Community under the influence of Chlorpyrifos, Isoproturon and Tebuconazole at a lab-scale level. XIIV Symposium in Pesticide Chemistry, Piacenza 30 Aug – 1 Sept, Italy (poster)
11. D.G. Karpouzas F. Martin-Laurent, I. Petric, E. Puglisi, M. Trevisan, F. Ferrari, G. Tsiamis, O. Sibourg, C. Malandain (2015) Advances in the assessment of the soil microbial toxicity of pesticides: are we ready to revise the relevant regulatory framework. XIIV Symposium in Pesticide Chemistry, Piacenza 30 Aug – 1 Sept, Italy (oral)
12. Pertile G,Baguelin C, Ferrarini A., Fornasier F., Karas P., Papadopoulou ES., Nikolaki S., Storck V., Ferrari F., Trevisan M., Tsiamis G., Sibourg O., Malandain C., Martin-Laurent F., Karpouzas D.G, (2015) Assessment of the impact of isoproturon, chlorpyrifos and tebuconazole on soil microbial functions using a lab-to-field tiered approach. XIIV Symposium in Pesticide Chemistry, Piacenza 30 Aug – 1 Sept, Italy (poster)
13. Papadopoulou ES, Karas PA., Nikolaki S., Storck V., Ferrari F., Trevisan M., Martin-Laurent F., Karpouzas D.G., (2015) A tiered-based approach to study the dissipation and adsorption of isoproturon, tebuconazole and chlorpyrifos in soil. XIIV Symposium in Pesticide Chemistry, Piacenza 30 Aug – 1 Sept, Italy (poster)
14. Storck V., Lucini L., Ferrari F., Papadopoulou ES., Nikolaki S., Karas PA., Karpouzas D.G Trevisan M., Martin-Laurent F., (2015) Evidence for the interest of suspect screening metabolomics to detect and identify known and unknown pesticide metabolites formed in agricultural soils. XIIV Symposium in Pesticide Chemistry, Piacenza 30 Aug – 1 Sept, Italy (poster)
  This poster got the best poster award in the XV Symposium on Pesticide Chemistry ‘Environmental Risk Assessment and Management’ (http://www.symposiumpesticide.org/) September 2-4, 2015, Piacenza, Italy |
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15. Storck V., Lucini L., Mamy L., Ferrari F., Papadopoulou ES., Nikolaki S., Karas PA., Servien R., Karpouzas D.G Trevisan M., Benoit P., Martin-Laurent F., (2015) New approach to identify and categorize pesticide metabolites in soil combining suspect screening metabolomics with in silico molecular typology. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation Barcelona, Spain – July 15-17, 2015 (oral)
   Veronika Storck won the best presentation for young scientist award in the Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation, held in Barcelona, Spain July 15-17, 2015 |
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16. El Azhari N,Dermou E., Karpouzas D. G., Sibourg O., Malandain C., Martin-Laurent F., Tsiamis G., Trevisan M., Ferrari F.(2015) Deciphering the complex interactions between pesticides and soil microbiota. 3rd International Conference on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 1-2 October 2015, Aarhus, Denmark (poster)
17. Dermou E,El Azhari N., Rossi R., Lucini L, Karpouzas D.G., Martin-Laurent F., Trevisan M., Ferrari F. (2015) Towards the identification and quantification of candidate metabolites of tebuconazole fungicide. 3rd International Conference on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 1-2 October 2015, Aarhus, Denmark (poster)